Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Today I went to a congressional hearing about predatory lending and forclosures.
Reverend Jesse Jackson spoke. It was pretty awesome.
We ate lunch in the senate cafeteria. Very overwhelming.
But, I didn't take any pictures. Sorry!
I'll update again soon.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Dinner and Development

So I'm absolutely exhausted. And some of us are off to the hill at 7am tomorrow for a congressional hearing. Anyways... here are some photos from the last week or so.
We went out to dinner last Friday at Martin's Tavern in Georgetown. This past week we visited the Anacostia waterfront and spoke with organizations that are redeveloping the area. I thought it was amazing, and the Anacostia Waterfront Corporation is defenitely some place I could see myself working. Enjoy the photos!